- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: Contests
- Hits: 1363
Every 4th weekend of August
Period 1 : Friday 2200 UTC to Saturday 1200 UTC
Period 2: Sunday 1200 UTC to 2359 UTC
A Worldwide contest with Scandinavian & Baltic as bonus!
Facebook RTTY Operators (facebook.com)
Twitter https://twitter.com/rttyops
SARTG New Year RTTY 1th January
CQ WW RTTY Contest 3rd weekend of September
CQ WPX RTTY contest 1th weekend of February
ARRL RTTY Roundup contest 1th weekend of January
BARTG RTTY Sprint 4th weekend of januar
XE RTTY 1th weekend of february
EA RTTY 1th weekend of april
IGRY WW RTTY 2nd weekend of april
SP DX RTTY 3rd weekend of april
ARI 1th weekend of may
A Volta 2nd weekend of may