- Details
- Written by: Super User
- Category: SARTG New Year RTTY
- Hits: 2520
SARTG New Year RTTY Contest
Sponsored by the Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group
When: January 1st 2022
Contest Period: 0800 - 1100 UTC
Bands: 80 and 40 m.
A: One radio/All Band
B: Two radio/All Band
C: SWL/All Band
NOTE: - One radio participants have to stay on the same band five minutes after making a QSO on a new band.
- Two radio participants are only allowed to have one signal on the air at the same time but can change bands freely. Participants that have changed bands twice in less than five minutes will automatically be transfered to Class B.
- Multi operator operation is permitted in both Class A and B.
- DX spotting and alerting assistance is permitted in all classes.
Modes: RTTY only ( 45 Baud)
Exchanges: RST + QSO number, starting with 001 + name + "Happy New Year" in your native language. Abbrevations like "HNY" are not allowed.
Logs that miss columns for received name or serial number will be regardes as check log
Work station: Once per band
QSO Points: 1 point per QSO
Multipliers: 1. Each DXCC, Except Scandinavian - Once Per band
2. Each Scandianavian Prefix once Per Band
Score: Total Score = total QSO Points x total mults
Submit log to : sartgny(a)rttyops.com /